The people
along the sand

All turn
and look one way

They turn their back
on the land

They look
at the sea all day.

- Robert Frost
from Neither out Far nor in Deep

Life at Higgins Beach

No matter what your interests, Higgins Beach has all the ingredients for the perfect beach vacation. The pleasures of Higgins are simple: sunbathing, kayaking, surfing, fly fishing at the river, treasure hunting for sand dollars, even getting married! If you like the beach, you're guaranteed to have a good time at Higgins Beach!

For those of you who love the beach, we've put together a photo gallery and a collection of small movies for you to view. And, for those who fish and follow the waves, we have links to tide charts and local marine resources.

If you would like to plan a vacation at Higgins Beach, please see our rental page for information on cottages and places to stay! And, if you'd like to stay longer, please see our featured properties for sale.

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Let's Keep Maine Beaches Healthy: We're all in this together.

Check out the Higgins Beach Status and Data and learn more about Maine Healthy Beaches.

Live Higgins Beach Maine Web Cam Beach Photo Gallery Tide and Wave Information The 1897 Shipwreck at Higgins Beach